Title: PUSH
Genre: Documentary
Release: March 23, 2019
Director: Fredrik Gertten
Producer: Margarete Jangård
Cinematography: Janice d’Avila, Iris Ng
Editing: Erik Wall Bäfving 

Synopsis: Housing prices are skyrocketing in cities around the world. Incomes are not. PUSH sheds light on a new kind of faceless landlord, our increasingly unliveable cities and an escalating crisis that has an effect on us all. This is not gentrification, it’s a different kind of monster.The film follows Leilani Farha, the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, as she’s travelling the globe, trying to understand who’s being pushed out of the city and why. “I believe there’s a huge difference between housing as a commodity and gold as a commodity. Gold is not a human right, housing is,” says Leilani.

Fredrik Gertten, Director

Margarete jangård, Producer

Press Image
Margarete Jangård
Press Image


Leilani Farha
Saskia Sassen
Joseph Stiglitz
Leilani Farha
Roberto Saviano
Ada Colau
Leilani Farha

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-Share your stories of housing struggles & tag our page
-Share the film’s trailer (find mp4s here and vimeo links below)
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-Share the film’s trailer 

-Follow us on @push_thefilm
-Like and comment on our posts – we want to hear from you!
-Tag our account in responses to posts relevant to our film & campaign

Suggested tweets

The doc @Push_TheFilm, from @wgfilm & director @FredrikGerttem, explores why it has become so expensive to live in our cities. The interests of a few have taken over the needs of the many. Let’s join together & #PushBack! FB-PUSHthefilm

Are high rents & housing shortages plaguing your city? Do you feel pushed out? @Push_TheFilm, from @wgfilm & award-winning director @FredrikGertten, explores why it has become so expensive to live in our cities. Support & like –> FB-PUSHthefilm

Upcoming doc @Push_TheFilm, from @wgfilm & director @FredrikGertten, follows @leilanifarha, the UN Special Rapporteur for @adequatehousing as she works to ensure a #Right2Housing for all! Support & like –> FB-PUSHthefilm

Massive investment in housing as a commodity is undermining #humanrights. It’s time for us to #pushback & invest in the #Right2Housing. Support & like @Push_TheFilm, here –> FB-PUSHthefilm

Suggested facebook posts

PUSH is a documentary exploring why it has become so expensive to live in our cities from award-winning director Fredrik Gertten and @WGFilm. The interests of a few have taken over the needs of the many. Let’s join together and fight back! Like @Push_TheFilm on Facebook here: FB-PUSHthefilm

@WGFilm and director Fredrik Gertten are working on an important documentary about the global housing crisis, @Push_TheFilm. Go like and share their FB page FB-PUSHthefilm, and help facilitate a global conversation on the right to housing! 

Check out the trailer for @Push_TheFilm, a documentary exploring why it has become so expensive to live in our cities, from @wgfilm. Help them spread the word by liking and sharing the PUSH FB page FB-PUSHthefilm and the trailer!


Brought to you by WG Film AB
Västergatan 22a, 21121 Malmö, Sweden
Phone +46 (0)40 78150
Email: push@wgfilm.se